2024 Agenda

Registration, coffee and networking
Chair’s welcome and opening remarks
The Drawdown
Opening keynote
Panel discussion

Credit to counsel - championing the value of compliance to the wider firm

  • Examining the broad benefits of an effective compliance team to a GP
  • Recognising the costs and consequences of compliance gone wrong - and the value created when done right
  • Reflecting the return on investment from undertaking a proactive approach to compliance
  • The ideal, necessary size, scope and make-up of a modern compliance team
Coffee and speed networking

Business as usual or changing tack? When to act and when to wait on regulatory updates

  • Regulatory updates require firms to align their funds and portcos, yet with a raft of directives, how do firms sort the urgent from the optional
  • Deciding on appropriate and timely action with limited resources
  • Which processes should be kept in-house and which to outsource
  • What are the anticipated regulatory changes that will require immediate action?
Panel discussion

KYC complications - sanctions, sophisticated consumers and politically exposed persons

  • How to effectively report on delicate data
  • Efficiently processing the reporting requirements for KYC and AML
  • Sanctions on Russia have created new complexities for capital flowing into Europe - how to assess who is exposed and who is an appropriate source for funding
The Big Debate

"Beyond tax, the European fund domicile decision" - The House moves that Luxembourg remains the most attractive destination for fund structuring in Europe

  • Assess in comparison with Ireland, Malta, Jersey, Guernsey et al
  • What are the core benefits of a Luxembourg AFIM?
  • Why does Luxembourg remain the EU's most active fund destination?
  • Which domiciles are attractive alternatives to Luxembourg? And why?
Lunch and networking

The international fund manager - the challenges of handling multi-jurisdictional tax directives

  • Taxation of carried interest across Europe - finding the sweetspot between risk and incentive
  • QAHC - the benefits and efficiencies of the UK's latest tax directive
  • Substance - the requirements for aligning funds with Europe's tax regimes
  • ATAD III and the challenges of coordinating tax across Europe

Fund types and taxonomy - how to structure your ESG fund

  • Exploring the process of setting up an ESG fund structure
  • How to set up an Article 6, 8 or 9 structure for a firm's ESG fund
  • Why the EU is rethinking the utility of SFDR and removing Article 9 altogether - how will this affect current 6, 8 & 9 funds?
  • How to avoid the perception of greenwashing
  • Consequences of non-compliance for fund article selection
Fireside Chat
Coffee and networking
Panel discussion

Legacy liabilities - avoiding the pitfalls of long-forgotten legacy items

  • Aligning legacy items to current compliance constructs
  • What are the consequences of failing to recognise vulnerabilities?
  • Dealing with reporting on legacy funds to LPs and regulators
  • Managing legacy structures set up by former team members
Champagne roundtable discussions

A: DORA and the balance of obligations for IT service providers (EU)

B: Navigating expanded LP reporting requests (EU/UK)

C: Tricks of the trade - how best to use Luxembourg’s third-party AIFM market (EU)

D: ICARA and the core responsibilities of fund management (UK)

E: Consumer Duty - (re)structuring products for a broader client base (UK)

Drinks reception